Recover your body with our professional treatments
My revive professional recovery treatment offers you an excellent experience in post-operative massages so that your body is in excellent shape. My Revive reductive relaxes the lymphatic nervous system, thus helping to relieve stress.
My Revive Reductive and postoperative treatment supports and enhances the action of the immune system. Also helps the body to heal more quickly from surgical trauma and helps to minimize scar formation.
Body Sculpting Massage (One Area) $65
Designed to reduce the presence and appearance of body fat, helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues.
Butt Lifting Treatment $80
This incorporates Wood Therapy, Vacuum Therapy, or Endermo Therapy to lift the buttocks area. Clients with more muscle definition can see results in about 4 sessions. Others with less definition and loose skin can expect to see results with 10 -12 sessions depending on their skins collagen & elasticity.
Cellulite Reduction Treatment $90
This treatment targets cellulite and fat deposits in the legs that combines both manual massages and the use of specialized equipment; reducing measurements and molding the body.
Postoperative Treatment $90
It is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues.
Full Body / Wood Therapy Massage $95
Is designed to reduce the presence and appearance of body fat by addressing the body’s lymphatic system, circulatory system, muscle tone, skin tone, and more.
Vacuum RF Therapy $100
This treatment uses suction and pressure to release the fluids in the fat cells that cause cellulite. Along with Radio Frequency energies to create superficial and deep heating. These energies stimulate the production of new collagen for improved skin elasticity
Lymphatic Drainage Massage $90
It is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. Helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues.
Carboxytherapy, or CO2 therapy $75
is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that generates an increase in blood flow in the treated area, producing oxygenation to the tissues and favoring the production of antioxidants and the improvement of the appearance of the skin; It is ideal for treating: Cellulite, Obesity, and Localized Fat, Fibrosis, Flaccidity, Androgenetic Alopecia, and Stretch Marks